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Chosen Projects

Quality Management and TQM

from left: Helmut Berg / EuRA Past President, Martina Scharwey / KMS Consult, and Strategic Consultant EuRA Global Quality Seal, Tad Zurlinden / EuRA CEO


  • Development and implementation of TQM concepts
  • Audit and Assessments of TQM concepts based on EFQM-requirements
  • Implementation of customised Quality Management Systems, planning of internal quality audits and preparation for the certification ISO 9001. Article about agile auditing (in German)
  • Successful completion of the project ‘Consulting and Support until successful ISO 9001 Certification’ at IBC Ingenieurbau-Consult GmbH and the affiliated companies together with the top management
    • Development of a branch specific “Global Quality Seal Standard“ for relocation organisations (EuRA = European Relocation Association)
    • Development and conducting of international Global Quality Seal Training sessions. A Film about the EuRA Global Quality Seal and its benefits
    • The Benefits of the EuRA Global Quality Seal (see page 20)
      Sharing Best Practices of the EuRA Global Quality Seal (see page 18)

      • Development or writing of Quality Management manuals
      • Development and implementation of systems to report quality costs and statistics (KPIs)
      • Project Management: Effective planning, execution and control of Quality Management projects

      Human Resource Management

      • Development and implementation of controlling instruments supporting the analysis of various aspects of human resources management for an international IT company.
      • Plan and implement programmes to analyse the workplace environment including subjects as motivation and satisfaction of management and employees.
      • Development and implementation of performance evaluations (top-down and bottom-up) and career path strategies, covering coaching and assessment centres for various service and sales companies.
      • Workshops with top and middle Management, defining strategic leadership goals and steps necessary to reach such goals.
      • Development and implementation of a companywide educational concept covering need assessment, curriculum design and evaluation of the training quality and effect.
      • Development and implementation of management training and coaching in human resources issues for a major foreign Central Bank


      • Trainer for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V. (German Association for Quality)
      • Training for the DQS GmbH – Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen (German Association for Certification of Management Systems)
      • Training for the Schweizerische Vereinigung für Qualitäts- und Management-Systeme (Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems)
      • Planning, organisation and conducting of training sessions
      • ISO 9000ff. – training
      • Workshops and training for management and employees
      • Quality Management, TQM and Human Resources training for attorneys and their associates


      • Senior Lead-Auditor of DQS, one of the largest international certification bodies


      NASPA Certification Event, 2007

      Certificate awarded to Claudia Ehry, Managing Director and Shareholder of Y-PR GmbH, Public Relations, 2004 (

Martina Scharwey

KMS Consult

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